The go-to course for lawyers who want to discover new opportunities beyond the law to create more career fulfilment & freedom.
Where you; feel lit up by your work, know you’re on purpose, feel confident that you’re on the right path and motivated by what you’re doing. But as a high achiever who's done everything right, you're feeling discontented with your career right now and....
That ambition got you the grades, the competitive lawyer title, the salary, the big cases, the shiny clients, the awards and the promotions – you’ve achieved so much and nailed everything along the way but the titles, sparkly office, accolades and fancy dinners don’t cut it anymore.
You’re over the daily grind and the constant push, you’re over the deadlines, you’re over the dread of opening your emails, you’re over the demands of others, you’re over cancelling plans, you’re over not feeling yourself.
You are made for MORE and you want more: more joy, more peace, more freedom, more purpose and more fulfilment.
more career fulfilment, you have tried one or more of the following, you’ve:
to other firms or moved in-house
that was next up the ladder to (senior) associate, partner or GC
about your best next moves
to find you fulfilling roles
for positions with more flexibility & freedom
to figure things out, hoping inspo would come
but you haven’t taken it further
the thing is, these options will:
keep you stuck because they don’t focus on you.
Then you need to understand who you are.
Then you need to identify & leverage your natural strengths.
Then you need to get clear on your purpose.
that's exactly where made for more than the law steps in to help you:
and expectations about how, when & where you should work
and trying to make fulfilling moves that leave you feeling like you’ve wasted your time
When you're clear on
go for promotions that you don’t really want.
make lateral moves that feel like a waste of time.
feel like you have to be someone else or wear a mask to work.
only do things you love at weekends and on holiday.
experience dread on Sunday evenings and when you log into your emails.
question your path and compare your career to others.
accept this is just how it has to be and keep pushing through.
seek to please other people and meet their expectations for you LIKE COLLEAGUES, FRIENDS & FAM
work all the hours, burning yourself out to be successful
vip upgrade
vip upgrade
Discover what you’re made of by using your Human Design to uncover your talents focusing on:-
because you're made for more
Module 1: Understand Who You Are
Module 2: Identify and Leverage Your Natural Strengths
Module 3: Get Clear On Your Purpose And What You’re Here To Do
Discover how you’re made for more than the law so you can leave the law entirely or diversify into a portfolio career
the price & UPGRADE OPTIONS:
your investment
This course is exactly what I needed when I craved more freedom & fulfilment, which is why I created it
As a BigLaw lawyer. I’d ticked all of the right boxes and invested a lot of time and energy into my career to become a lawyer at a prestigious law firm but despite many things on paper to be grateful for (a large salary, a Rolex watch, a beaut City apartment, fancy holidays) and achievements along the way but I just didn’t feel truly happy. I’d often ask myself, is this success, is this what it’s all about and...
The thing is, I hadn’t created my version of success from the inside out. Deep within, I knew I was made for more than pushing through work I didn’t enjoy, late nights, never ending deadlines & plate spinning, unhealthy work practices and living for the weekends. I craved more depth, more purpose, more aliveness, more freedom, more joy and more fulfilment – but the only guidance I received led to options that would keep me stuck and unfulfilled.
After years of trial and error, fast forward to me leaving BigLaw, creating a portfolio career doing work I love on my own terms & schedule. I became one of the first remote legal consultants of my generation to travel and live/work remotely at the time.
The key to creating meaningful change and making aligned moves was inner exploration work – getting clear on who I am, what my natural strengths are and what my purpose is were all game-changers for me. No one had ever directed me to this in my career and even to this day nothing else like Made For More Than The Law exists.
The clarity and confidence I received from this process propelled my transformation and enabled me to make aligned moves to create a career on my terms and it’s part of my career purpose to share this framework to help other lawyers who know they are made for more to create aligned and fulfilled careers.
Thanks for being here - now let's discover how you're made for more too and what opportunities are aligned for you beyond the law.
there's got to be more than this!?
working with lauren
What Other legal professionals Say About Working With Lauren
Lawyer + Yoga Teacher, germany
// session FEEDBACK //
“I am truly amazed. I cannot remember one conversation that has moved so much in my perspective.”
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let's discover your opportunities beyond the law
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As a self-paced course, it is entirely down to you and your schedule. There’s a total of 5 hours of content. Lauren recommends a timeline and personal commitment that enables you to move through the course with momentum and pace but that allows space to digest things and implement practical takeaways / tasks outside of the course. For optimal results, Lauren does not recommend binging the course in one sitting but would suggest aiming to complete it within 1 month from commencement. Diarising course sessions with yourself is recommended to keep yourself accountable.
Yes, absolutely! There are 2 workbooks (the Made For More course work book & the Values Workbook) and a bonus module containing a morning activation practice to support your journey with a Made For More Spotify playlist (entirely optional). In addition there are VIP options to upgrade for extra support including the voice note support add-on and the Strengths Analysis.
If you know you want to leave the profession but you're unclear on what else you could do or would like to do, then this is perfect for you. The focus of this course is to help you get clarity on 'what else' you can do outside of the law. One of the biggest blocks for legal professionals if they know they want to leave the law (or diversify their career / bring in something new alongside the law) is that they struggle working out what else they could do and get paid for it. This course aims to solve that problem by helping you get clear on your opportunities beyond the legal profession using the Made For More Than The Law framework.
Yes, absolutely. No need to still be in the law to benefit from this course. If you've already made a move away and you're unclear on your future options and what else you could do or you feel like your existing path outside of the law isn't quite for you, then this course will be ideal. The focus of this course is to help you get clarity on 'what else' you can do with your legal background & skills in mind, but you don't need to still be in the profession. Often legal professionals make a leap out of the profession for various reasons before they have things figure out (I did the same), so this will help you get clear on the path that is right for and your opportunities beyond the legal profession using the Made For More Than The Law framework.
Yes, this will help you to get clear on which ideas are most aligned & fulfilling for you and therefore what you need to focus your time and effort on to help you create confidence, momentum and success in your new career chapter.
Yes! There are VIP add-ons specific to the course:
2 weeks of voice note support & mentorship - £222
Via the Voxer app – it’s free to download/use). A space to ask questions, share your insights and receive supportive mentorship and accountability as you work through the course in real time.
The Strengths Analysis - £99
A bespoke 25 min Made For More human design reading focused on your strengths & gifts delivered to your inbox. Get my personal lens on your natural strengths to compliment Module 2 to help shape your career beyond the law. A video recording of the analysis will be delivered to your inbox.
I love this method of supporting people! We connect via the voice note app Voxer (free to download and easy to use - I'll send you the access details) and it's basically a space to ask questions, share your insights and receive supportive mentorship and accountability as you work through the course. Example scenarios where you may find it helpful include: a) you get a light bulb moment about your path outside of the law and you need a space to get excited & celebrate with someone who 'gets it' - I'm here to cheer you on & sound out strategic next steps b) you'd love my take on your strengths & gifts and analysis on what your opportunities outside of the law are based on them c) an idea lands about your 'what else' but you're unsure about it and perhaps some blocks are coming up, we can evaluate the idea together & work through any blocks or d) you want to ask a specific question about one of your Human Design gifts to clarify your understanding and how best to leverage it on your made for more journey. It could be any number of things - these are just some examples! What I love about it is that you can share in real time as things come up (i.e. you don't need to wait to book a session for example) - it's a useful way to bring the course alive and get real time feedback and support but it's more accessible cost wise than a coaching journey or a session. It's like having your own in-pocket coach, mentor & cheerleader, what's not to love!?
Yes, it is open to all legal professionals! I use the term lawyer for ease as it's snappier to say/write, but the intention is that this is for anyone in the legal sector who feels unfulfilled and wants to get clarity on their opportunities outside of the legal industry. Whether you're a paralegal, in business development & marketing, in legal tech or you're a legal educator, this course will be supportive to help you get clarity on the right career path for you.
Given the nature of this digital product, it is not refundable.
However, Lauren will consider providing a refund at her absolute discretion if the request is made within 24 hours of purchase and you can provide absolute proof that the course content has not been accessed or used.
Lauren is confident that the course will meet (or surpass) expectations and encourages you to carefully read the course information provided and/or to reach out with any questions if you are unsure of anything prior to purchase.
Start your journey today to discover your opportunities beyond the law! Whether you want to leave the law entirely or diversify into a portfolio career, this course has got you when it comes to working out what else you can do outside of the law.
buy here