Self Development

Let’s Get Technical – Where Does Human Design Come From?

I'm Lauren!

This blog is here to help you maximise your potential and leverage your gifts, so you can create fulfilment  in work and beyond at a soul level.  Let's do this together.

hey there

To get a bit more technical, Human Design is a fusion of a number of revered systems including; astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the Chakra system, quantum physics and genetics and the outcome is its very own system.

Your unique chart is generated using your time, date and place of birth (much like astrology) however you are presented with a chart  in the shape a body containing your own unique lines, shapes and numbers depicting your unique self and your coding, like this one.

Keep reading for how to get your own free chart like this one!

It’s often referred to a “mechanical science” and I like to describe it as the energetics of our genetics; it is both a scientific and spiritual system, energetic and genetic, mystical and pragmatic.  I’m curious about and have felt the impact of more esoteric practises in my own journey with success & fulfilment, yet I also value a grounding in science and the tangibility factor. Human Design provides exactly this, tangible tools and strategies for how you’re designed to optimally implement and use your gifts, strengths, purpose and decision making abilities.

I’m loving  the growing uptake amongst legal professionals. I recently had a lawyer say in a session:-

“Thank you for speaking about these kind of things amongst the legal community. Although I’m new to Human Design, I’ve been into systems like astrology for a long time but I felt like I couldn’t talk about it in the work place until recently. It’s becoming much more normalised and that’s down to the work that people like you are doing – thank you. You deliver Human Design in such a tangible and strategic way – I feel much more empowered to be myself and every lawyer needs Human Design in their life.”

Feedback like this is not uncommon and it is both frustrating that one might feel like this person used to, but it’s also awesome that so many people appreciate the importance of inner work and that the new paradigm requires something different. The tides are turning!

We are all incredibly unique and have our own codes for success – when we tap into these, it not only fulfils us individually, but has a ripple effect on team, organisational and collective success.

Curious? Start by looking up your chart here and let’s discover how you’re Legally Different By Design®.

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  1. […] can read other helpful blogs to learn about the technical stuff behind Human Design here and how to get and understand your chart […]

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Hi, I'm Lauren.
Human Design Guide & Lawyer.

I've been on a journey to experiment with aligned ways of working, even in careers like law. I help others optimise their potential and leverage their gifts, to feel fulfilment & success at a soul level . I'm not your average lawyer and I know you're not either, which is why I created Legally Different®, the hub for soul-fuelled success. 

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